Friday, July 3, 2009

Puppy Update!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I don't have any pictures right now but I will soon. We went to look at two boxer puppies and I got to choose which one we were going to get. So I chose the dog that I wanted, Dad decided that he still wanted the other puppy and the woman that we bought the dogs from said that if we wanted to buy both of them that she would give us a slight price reduction. So now we are getting two Boxer puppies instead of one!!! But it will also be two times the work of one boxer puppy. Plus my aunt got a white Boxer from the same litter and the dog's name is Molly. Our puppies' names are going to be Abbie and Ziva (zee-va). The breeder is going to bring the puppies and possibly the mother with her on Saturday July 11th. This time we have a good feeling that these puppies won't be aggressive like Cooper was. Keep your eyes open for an update on Abbie and Ziva, I probably won't be able to get any pictures of them on the blog until somewhere around the Tuesday after we get the puppies. Cross your fingers that we have good luck with these puppies!!! I can't wait until they are in their new home!!


Bawana said...

Hi Katie, thats awesome news getting two new puppys from the same litter. I know they will recieve the best of care at your house.

Ray said...

Kate! I made my update. Where's yours??